TCL launched the new mini LED and QLED range of TVs in India, which includes the premium C825 mini LED QLED TV, which is the first mini LED TV in India and the C728 gaming-focused QLED TV with ultra-low-latency and the C725 model which comes with video call camera. All these TVs run Android 11 TV and will get Google TV starting from September that will offer curated content with personalised suggestions.
The TCL C825 has Thousands of light control units that are used to increase the number of backlight sources, combined with Full Array Local Dimming technology, Dolby Vision IQ which leverages the full intelligence of your TV to deliver a perfect picture. It also has 120Hz MEMC and TCL’s proprietary software algorithm for seamlessly viewing action-packed content with reduced visual fatigues and enhanced image quality. Game Master an extraordinary gaming feature with HDMI 2.1 which is dedicated to gamers and enables them to play high-quality games with a smoother experience. It also sports a 1080P magnetic magic camera which works with Google Duo and Zoom Meet. The TV features IMAX Enhanced certified 2.1integrated ONKYO Soundbar with Dolby Atmos along with a built-in Subwoofer
The C725 features a video call camera, users can do video calling via Google Duo on the QLED display, Dolby Vision, HDR 10+ technology, 4K resolution, AiPQ Engine, and supports both MEMC and HDMI 2.1. Also, has ONKYO certified soundbar with Dolby Atmos, hands-free voice control 2.0, TCL Channel 3.0 and Game Centre.
The C728 is an offering by TCL for all gamers and features Game Master backed by HDMI 2.1, Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), eARC, and the company’s proprietary software algorithm, also has QLED Display Technology ensuring over 100% color volume for enhanced visual impact. And with Dolby Vision, Dolby Vision IQ, and Dolby Atmos enhances the C728 experience. The device also offers 120Hz MEMC and hands-free voice control for seamless user control.
Pricing and Availability
- TCL C725 50-inch – Rs. 64,990, 55-inch – Rs. 72,990, 65-inch – Rs. 99,999. To be available from from July 7th
- TCL C728 55-inch – Rs. 79,990, 65-inch – 1,02,990, 75-inch – 1,59,990. To be available exclusively from TCL India online store soon
- TCL C825 55-inch – Rs. 1,14,990, 65-inch -Rs. 1,49,990. To be available from from July 7th and Pre-order from Reliance Digital online and offline